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<allpages gapcontinue="Read_counter_(analysis)" />
<page pageid="276" ns="0" title="Reactions Analysis">
<rev xml:space="preserve">;Analysis title
:[[File:Default-analysis-icon.png]] Reactions Analysis
:[[Institute of Systems Biology]]
:[[Biouml.plugins.modelreduction (plugin)|biouml.plugins.modelreduction (Model reduction plug-in)]]
=== Model reactions analysis ===
Method for finding linear, monomolecular and pseudo-monomolecular reactions of a model.
Reaction is ''linear'' if its kinetic law is linear.
Reaction is ''monomolecular'' if it has only one reactant or only one modifier.
Reaction is ''pseudo-monomolecular'' if ratios of its reactants/modifiers greater than specified threshold or smaller than threshold<sup>-1</sup>.
[[Category:Differential algebraic equations (analyses group)]]
[[Category:ISB analyses]]
[[Category:Autogenerated pages]]</rev>
<page pageid="1332" ns="0" title="Reactome">
<rev xml:space="preserve">REACTOME is an open-source, open access, manually curated and peer-reviewed pathway database. Pathway annotations are authored by expert biologists, in collaboration with Reactome editorial staff and cross-referenced to many bioinformatics databases. These include [ NCBI Gene], [[Ensembl]] and [ UniProt] databases, the [ UCSC] and [ HapMap] Genome Browsers, the KEGG [ Compound] and [ ChEBI] small molecule databases, [ PubMed], and [[Gene Ontology]].
The rationale behind Reactome is to convey the rich information in the visual representations of biological pathways familiar from textbooks and articles in a detailed, computationally accessible format. The core unit of the Reactome data model is the reaction. Entities (nucleic acids, proteins, complexes and small molecules) participating in reactions form a network of biological interactions and are grouped into pathways. Examples of biological pathways in Reactome include signaling, innate and acquired immune function, transcriptional regulation, translation, apoptosis and classical intermediary metabolism.
The contents of Reactome are copyright (c) 2003-2012 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL), Ontario Institute for Cancer Research (OICR) and the European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI). The software and information contents are distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License, which grants parties the non-exclusive right to use, distribute and create derivative works based on Reactome, provided that the software and information is correctly attributed to CSHL, OICR and EBI.
178 diagrams have been imported from this database into the BioUML platform. They can be used as graphical and editable schemata. In the [[repository pane]], all components are listed in each diagram subdirectory.
==See also==
==External links==
*[ Reactome official website]