System messages

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This is a list of system messages available in the MediaWiki namespace. Please visit MediaWiki Localisation and if you wish to contribute to the generic MediaWiki localisation.

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exif-subjectdistancerange-3 (Talk)Distant view
exif-subjectlocation (Talk)Subject location
exif-subjectnewscode (Talk)Subject code
exif-subjectnewscode-value (Talk)$2 ($1)
exif-sublocationcreated (Talk)Sublocation of the city that the picture was taken in
exif-sublocationdest (Talk)Sublocation of city shown
exif-subsectime (Talk)DateTime subseconds
exif-subsectimedigitized (Talk)DateTimeDigitized subseconds
exif-subsectimeoriginal (Talk)DateTimeOriginal subseconds
exif-unknowndate (Talk)Unknown date
exif-urgency (Talk)Urgency
exif-urgency-high (Talk)High ($1)
exif-urgency-low (Talk)Low ($1)
exif-urgency-normal (Talk)Normal ($1)
exif-urgency-other (Talk)User-defined priority ($1)
exif-usageterms (Talk)Usage terms
exif-usercomment (Talk)User comments
exif-webstatement (Talk)Online copyright statement
exif-whitebalance (Talk)White balance
exif-whitebalance-0 (Talk)Auto white balance
exif-whitebalance-1 (Talk)Manual white balance
exif-whitepoint (Talk)White point chromaticity
exif-worldregioncreated (Talk)World region that the picture was taken in
exif-worldregiondest (Talk)World region shown
exif-writer (Talk)Writer
exif-xresolution (Talk)Horizontal resolution
exif-xyresolution-c (Talk)$1 dpc
exif-xyresolution-i (Talk)$1 dpi
exif-ycbcrcoefficients (Talk)Color space transformation matrix coefficients
exif-ycbcrpositioning (Talk)Y and C positioning
exif-ycbcrpositioning-1 (Talk)Centered
exif-ycbcrpositioning-2 (Talk)Co-sited
exif-ycbcrsubsampling (Talk)Subsampling ratio of Y to C
exif-yresolution (Talk)Vertical resolution
expansion-depth-exceeded-category (Talk)Pages where expansion depth is exceeded
expansion-depth-exceeded-warning (Talk)Page exceeded the expansion depth
expensive-parserfunction-category (Talk)Pages with too many expensive parser function calls
expensive-parserfunction-warning (Talk)'''Warning:''' This page contains too many expensive parser function calls. It should have less than $2 {{PLURAL:$2|call|calls}}, there {{PLURAL:$1|is now $1 call|are now $1 calls}}.
expiringblock (Talk)expires on $1 at $2
explainconflict (Talk)Someone else has changed this page since you started editing it. The upper text area contains the page text as it currently exists. Your changes are shown in the lower text area. You will have to merge your changes into the existing text. '''Only''' the text in the upper text area will be saved when you press "{{int:savearticle}}".
export (Talk)Export pages
export-addcat (Talk)Add
export-addcattext (Talk)Add pages from category:
export-addns (Talk)Add
export-addnstext (Talk)Add pages from namespace:
export-download (Talk)Save as file
export-submit (Talk)Export
export-summary (Talk) 
export-templates (Talk)Include templates
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