Host object (extension point)
- Identifier
- ru.biosoft.plugins.javascript.hostObject
- Plugin
- ru.biosoft.plugins.javascript
Using this extension point plug-in can provide access to particular Java objects (host objects) provided by plug-in. Plug-in host oblects will be shown in 'Analyses/JavaScript/host objects' section in repository tree. Host object description (help) will be shown in View/Edit tab when the host object item will be selected in repository tree.
Configuration Markup
<!ELEMENT hostObject (doc?)> <!ATTLIST hostObject> name CDATA #REQUIRED class CDATA #REQUIRED javadoc CDATA >
- name
- the function name (how it will be used JavaScript).
- class
- the fully-qualified name of a class that provides corresponding static method.
- javadoc
- URL to javadoc for the corresponding Java class.
<!ELEMENT doc (property*, function*)> <!ATTLIST doc> type CDATA #IMPLIED description CDATA #REQUIRED >
- doc
- description of host object, its properties, functions and examples.
- property
- description of host object property.
- function
- description of host object function.
- example
- host object usage example.
<!ELEMENT property> <!ATTLIST property> name CDATA #REQUIRED type CDATA #REQUIRED readOnly CDATA "false" description CDATA #REQUIRED >
- name
- the property name.
- type
- the property type.
- obligatory
- indicates whether the property is read only.
- description
- the property description.
<!ELEMENT function (argument*, returns?, throws*, example*)> <!ATTLIST function> name CDATA #REQUIRED description CDATA #REQUIRED >
- argument
- function argument description.
- returns
- description of the function result.
- throws
- description of exceptions that can be thrown by the function.
- example
- usage examples.
- name
- function name.
- description
- function description.
<!ELEMENT argument> <!ATTLIST argument> name CDATA #REQUIRED type CDATA #REQUIRED obligatory CDATA "true" description CDATA >
- name
- the argument name.
- type
- the argument type.
- obligatory
- indicates whether the argument is obligatory.
- description
- the argument description.
<!ELEMENT returns> <!ATTLIST returns> type CDATA #REQUIRED description CDATA >
- type
- the returned value type.
- description
- the returned value description.
<!ELEMENT throws> <!ATTLIST throws> type CDATA #REQUIRED description CDATA >
- type
- the exception type.
- description
- describes when and why the exception can be thrown.
<!ELEMENT example> <!ATTLIST example> code CDATA #REQUIRED description CDATA >
- code
- the code example.
- description
- comment.
<extension id="dataFilter" point="ru.biosoft.plugins.javascript.hostObject"> <hostObject name="dataFilter" class="ru.biosoft.access.javascript.JavaScriptFilter" > <doc description="Facade for data-filtering"> <function name="byValue" description="returns error from last stament or null if there is no such"> <argument name="source" type="Object" obligatory="true" description="data-source, can be String (path to DC) or DataCollection"/> <argument name="property" type="String" obligatory="true" description="DataElement name value"/> <argument name="values" type="String" obligatory="true" description="column value"/> <returns type="ru.biosoft.access.FilteredDataCollection" description="null on failure"/> </function> <function name="byExpression" description="filters by given javascript expression"> <argument name="source" type="Object" obligatory="true" description="data-source, can be String (path to DC) or DataCollection"/> <argument name="expression" type="String" obligatory="true" description="data-source, can be String (path to DC) or DataCollection"/> <returns type="ru.biosoft.access.FilteredDataCollection" description="null on failure"/> </function> <function name="bySet" description="filters by given data collection, used as permitable set of values"> <argument name="source" type="Object" obligatory="true" description="data-source, can be String (path to DC) or DataCollection"/> <argument name="filterSource" type="Object" obligatory="true" description="filter data-source, can be String (path to DC) or DataCollection"/> <returns type="ru.biosoft.access.FilteredDataCollection" description="null on failure"/> </function> </doc> </hostObject> </extension>
Host objects for analyses
There is a special lightweight family of host objects specially designed for analysis methods. These host objects must subclass ru.biosoft.analysis.javascript.JavaScriptAnalysisHost
class and have PropertyName
and PropertyDescription
import ru.biosoft.analysis.javascript.JavaScriptAnalysisHost; import ru.biosoft.util.bean.PropertyDescription; import ru.biosoft.util.bean.PropertyName; @PropertyName("siteAnalysis") @PropertyDescription("Analyses related to sites, sequences and tracks") public class JavaScriptSiteAnalysis extends JavaScriptAnalysisHost { }
You don't have to create any methods in this class. Registration of such host object can be done without javadoc part:
<extension id="siteAnalysis" point="ru.biosoft.plugins.javascript.hostObject"> <hostObject name="siteAnalysis" class="ru.biosoft.bsa.analysis.JavaScriptSiteAnalysis" > </hostObject> </extension>
After that this host object is ready for methods. If you create any analysis method, you can add js="siteAnalysis.methodName" when registering the method and method methodName will be generated automatically in host object siteAnalysis along with documentation.