Genome Browser json
The BioUML Genome Browser iframe and be adjusted with settings in json format.
Here is the json with comments, describing all fields available for setup. { //Path to genome in BioUML server repository "sequencePath":"databases/EnsemblHuman100/Sequences/chromosomes GRCh38", //[optional] Track with chromosome to be displayed on top, set "" to hide this track "chromosomeTrack": "databases/EnsemblHuman100/Tracks/Karyotype", //[optional] Chromosome to be opened first "chromosome":"1", //[optional] Start position "from":1234, //[optional] End position "to": 5678, // Tracks available for display, // Each track is set as "Label":"Path to track in BioUML server repository" // BigBed tracks can be shown by http/https links "tracks":{ "GC content":"databases/EnsemblHuman100/Tracks/GC content", "Genes":"databases/EnsemblHuman100/Tracks/Genes", "Extended genes":"databases/EnsemblHuman100/Tracks/ExtendedGeneTrack", "Transcripts":"databases/EnsemblHuman100/Tracks/Transcripts" }, //Some specific track properties, set {} if no specific properties required "trackProperties":{ "BBTrack_1":{"chr_name_mapping":"hg38_ucsc_to_ensembl"} }, //[optional] Tracks visible when browser is opened, by labels in 'tracks' field //if not set, first two tracks will be shown "initialTracks": ["Genes", "Transcripts"] }