System messages

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This is a list of system messages available in the MediaWiki namespace. Please visit MediaWiki Localisation and if you wish to contribute to the generic MediaWiki localisation.

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universalLanguageSelector (Talk)<UniversalLanguageSelector>
filesource (Talk)Source:
filestatus (Talk)Copyright status:
filetype-bad-ie-mime (Talk)Cannot upload this file because Internet Explorer would detect it as "$1", which is a disallowed and potentially dangerous file type.
filetype-badmime (Talk)Files of the MIME type "$1" are not allowed to be uploaded.
filetype-banned (Talk)This type of file is banned.
filetype-banned-type (Talk)'''".$1"''' {{PLURAL:$4|is not a permitted file type|are not permitted file types}}. Permitted {{PLURAL:$3|file type is|file types are}} $2.
filetype-mime-mismatch (Talk)File extension ".$1" does not match the detected MIME type of the file ($2).
filetype-missing (Talk)The file has no extension (like ".jpg").
filetype-unwanted-type (Talk)'''".$1"''' is an unwanted file type. Preferred {{PLURAL:$3|file type is|file types are}} $2.
fileuploadsummary (Talk)Summary:
filewasdeleted (Talk)A file of this name has been previously uploaded and subsequently deleted. You should check the $1 before proceeding to upload it again.
fix-double-redirects (Talk)Update any redirects that point to the original title
formerror (Talk)Error: Could not submit form.
fri (Talk)Fri
friday (Talk)Friday
gender-female (Talk)Female
gender-male (Talk)Male
gender-unknown (Talk)Undisclosed
go (Talk)Go
googlesearch (Talk)<form method="get" action="//" id="googlesearch"> <input type="hidden" name="domains" value="{{SERVER}}" /> <input type="hidden" name="num" value="50" /> <input type="hidden" name="ie" value="$2" /> <input type="hidden" name="oe" value="$2" /> <input type="text" name="q" size="31" maxlength="255" value="$1" /> <input type="submit" name="btnG" value="$3" /> <div> <input type="radio" name="sitesearch" id="gwiki" value="{{SERVER}}" checked="checked" /><label for="gwiki">{{SITENAME}}</label> <input type="radio" name="sitesearch" id="gWWW" value="" /><label for="gWWW">WWW</label> </div> </form>
gotaccount (Talk)Already have an account? $1.
group (Talk)Group:
group-all (Talk)(all)
group-autoconfirmed (Talk)Autoconfirmed users
group-autoconfirmed-member (Talk){{GENDER:$1|autoconfirmed user}}
group-autoconfirmed.css (Talk)/* CSS placed here will affect autoconfirmed users only */
group-autoconfirmed.js (Talk)/* Any JavaScript here will be loaded for autoconfirmed users only */
group-bot (Talk)Bots
group-bot-member (Talk){{GENDER:$1|bot}}
group-bot.css (Talk)/* CSS placed here will affect bots only */
group-bot.js (Talk)/* Any JavaScript here will be loaded for bots only */
group-bureaucrat (Talk)Bureaucrats
group-bureaucrat-member (Talk){{GENDER:$1|bureaucrat}}
group-bureaucrat.css (Talk)/* CSS placed here will affect bureaucrats only */
group-bureaucrat.js (Talk)/* Any JavaScript here will be loaded for bureaucrats only */
group-suppress (Talk)Oversights
group-suppress-member (Talk){{GENDER:$1|oversight}}
group-sysop (Talk)Administrators
group-sysop-member (Talk){{GENDER:$1|administrator}}
group-sysop.css (Talk)/* CSS placed here will affect sysops only */
group-sysop.js (Talk)/* Any JavaScript here will be loaded for sysops only */
group-user (Talk)Users
group-user-member (Talk){{GENDER:$1|user}}
grouppage-autoconfirmed (Talk){{ns:project}}:Autoconfirmed users
grouppage-bot (Talk){{ns:project}}:Bots
grouppage-bureaucrat (Talk){{ns:project}}:Bureaucrats
grouppage-suppress (Talk){{ns:project}}:Oversight
grouppage-sysop (Talk){{ns:project}}:Administrators
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