System messages

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universalLanguageSelector (Talk)<UniversalLanguageSelector>
javascripttest (Talk)JavaScript testing
javascripttest-disabled (Talk)This function has not been enabled on this wiki.
javascripttest-pagetext-frameworks (Talk)Please choose one of the following testing frameworks: $1
javascripttest-pagetext-noframework (Talk)This page is reserved for running JavaScript tests.
javascripttest-pagetext-skins (Talk)Choose a skin to run the tests with:
javascripttest-pagetext-unknownframework (Talk)Unknown testing framework "$1".
javascripttest-qunit-heading (Talk)MediaWiki JavaScript QUnit test suite
javascripttest-qunit-intro (Talk)See [$1 testing documentation] on
javascripttest-qunit-name (Talk)QUnit
javascripttest-title (Talk)Running $1 tests
jul (Talk)Jul
july (Talk)July
july-gen (Talk)July
jumpto (Talk)Jump to:
jumptonavigation (Talk)navigation
jumptosearch (Talk)search
jun (Talk)Jun
june (Talk)June
june-gen (Talk)June
lag-warn-high (Talk)Due to high database server lag, changes newer than $1 {{PLURAL:$1|second|seconds}} may not be shown in this list.
lag-warn-normal (Talk)Changes newer than $1 {{PLURAL:$1|second|seconds}} may not be shown in this list.
laggedslavemode (Talk)'''Warning:''' Page may not contain recent updates.
language-converter-depth-warning (Talk)Language converter depth limit exceeded ($1)
large-file (Talk)It is recommended that files are no larger than $1; this file is $2.
largefileserver (Talk)This file is bigger than the server is configured to allow.
last (Talk)prev
lastmodifiedat (Talk)This page was last modified on $1, at $2.
lastmodifiedatby (Talk)This page was last modified $2, $1 by $3.
license (Talk)Licensing:
license-header (Talk)Licensing
license-nopreview (Talk)(Preview not available)
licenses (Talk)-
limitall (Talk)all
lineno (Talk)Line $1:
linkprefix (Talk)/^(.*?)([a-zA-Z\x80-\xff]+)$/sD
linksearch (Talk)External links search
linksearch-error (Talk)Wildcards may appear only at the start of the hostname.
linksearch-line (Talk)$1 is linked from $2
linksearch-ns (Talk)Namespace:
linksearch-ok (Talk)Search
linksearch-pat (Talk)Search pattern:
linksearch-summary (Talk) 
linksearch-text (Talk)Wildcards such as "*" may be used. Needs at least a top-level domain, for example "*.org".<br /> Supported protocols: <code>$1</code> (defaults to http:// if no protocol is specified).
linkshere (Talk)The following pages link to '''[[:$1]]''':
linkstoimage (Talk)The following {{PLURAL:$1|page links|$1 pages link}} to this file:
linkstoimage-more (Talk)More than $1 {{PLURAL:$1|page links|pages link}} to this file. The following list shows the {{PLURAL:$1|first page link|first $1 page links}} to this file only. A [[Special:WhatLinksHere/$2|full list]] is available.
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