System messages

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This is a list of system messages available in the MediaWiki namespace. Please visit MediaWiki Localisation and if you wish to contribute to the generic MediaWiki localisation.

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universalLanguageSelector (Talk)<UniversalLanguageSelector>
loginlanguagelabel (Talk)Language: $1
loginprompt (Talk)You must have cookies enabled to log in to {{SITENAME}}.
loginreqpagetext (Talk)You must $1 to view other pages.
loginreqtitle (Talk)Login required
loginstart (Talk) 
loginsuccess (Talk)'''You are now logged in to {{SITENAME}} as "$1".'''
loginsuccesstitle (Talk)Login successful
logout (Talk)Log out
logouttext (Talk)'''You are now logged out.''' You can continue to use {{SITENAME}} anonymously, or you can [[Special:UserLogin|log in again]] as the same or as a different user. Note that some pages may continue to be displayed as if you were still logged in, until you clear your browser cache.
lonelypages (Talk)Orphaned pages
lonelypages-summary (Talk) 
lonelypagestext (Talk)The following pages are not linked from or transcluded into other pages in {{SITENAME}}.
longpage-hint (Talk)-
longpageerror (Talk)'''Error: The text you have submitted is {{PLURAL:$1|one kilobyte|$1 kilobytes}} long, which is longer than the maximum of {{PLURAL:$2|one kilobyte|$2 kilobytes}}.''' It cannot be saved.
longpages (Talk)Long pages
longpages-summary (Talk) 
mailerror (Talk)Error sending mail: $1
mailmypassword (Talk)E-mail new password
mailnologin (Talk)No send address
mailnologintext (Talk)You must be [[Special:UserLogin|logged in]] and have a valid e-mail address in your [[Special:Preferences|preferences]] to send e-mail to other users.
mainpage (Talk)Main Page
mainpage-description (Talk)Main page
mainpage-nstab (Talk) 
mar (Talk)Mar
march (Talk)March
march-gen (Talk)March
markaspatrolleddiff (Talk)Mark as patrolled
markaspatrolledtext (Talk)Mark this page as patrolled
markedaspatrolled (Talk)Marked as patrolled
markedaspatrollederror (Talk)Cannot mark as patrolled
markedaspatrollederror-noautopatrol (Talk)You are not allowed to mark your own changes as patrolled.
markedaspatrollederrortext (Talk)You need to specify a revision to mark as patrolled.
markedaspatrolledtext (Talk)The selected revision of [[:$1]] has been marked as patrolled.
maximum-size (Talk)Max size:
may (Talk)May
may-gen (Talk)May
may_long (Talk)May
media_sample (Talk)Example.ogg
media_tip (Talk)File link
mediawarning (Talk)'''Warning''': This file type may contain malicious code. By executing it, your system may be compromised.
mediawikipage (Talk)View message page
mergehistory (Talk)Merge page histories
mergehistory-autocomment (Talk)Merged [[:$1]] into [[:$2]]
mergehistory-box (Talk)Merge revisions of two pages:
mergehistory-comment (Talk)Merged [[:$1]] into [[:$2]]: $3
mergehistory-empty (Talk)No revisions can be merged.
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