Tools Comparison 2022

From BioUML platform
Revision as of 15:37, 7 February 2022 by Ilya Kiselev (Talk | contribs)

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Here we collect information about similar software and their features in comparison with BioUML.
This comparison was made in February 2022. Previous was done in 2019 and is available at separate page Tools Comparison.

BioUML COPASI iBioSim CellDesigner Tellurium Morpheus
1. Model creation visual\text-based via tables visual visual text-based via tables
2. Simulation + + + via + +
3. Parameter fitting + + - - - -
4. Model analysis + + + - + +
5. Database access + - + + - -
1. ODE + + + + + +
2. Stochastic Gillespie-type + + - + + +
3. Algebraic + - + - + +
4. Discrete + + + + + +
5. Flux balance
6. Modular modeling + - + - + +
7. Mixed formalisms + - - - - +
8. Agent-based + - + - - -
9. Rule-based + - - - - -
10. Population-based + - - - - -
1. SBML l3v2, all tests passed l3v1 except algebraic l3v1 l3v1 l3v1 l3v1, partially
2. SBML comp fully, all tests passed - partially - partially partially
3. SBGN + export - + - -
4. SedML + - - - + -
5. Combine archive
6. SBOL - - + - - -
7. Antimony + (in standalone) - - - + -
8. Bionetgen + (in standalone) - - - - -
9. BioPAX + - - + - -
1. Windows + + + + + +
2. Linux + + + + + +
3. MacOS + + + + + +
4. Web application + - - - - -
Programming Language Java C++ Java Java Python C++
Personal tools

BioUML platform